展会简介:作为当今国际营养保健品行业最为集中的专业性国际展会,英国Informa Exhibitions公司主办的Vitafoods Europe至今已走过17个春秋。2017年,共吸引全球近100个国家的专业参观商到达现场,到2016年,营养保健品行业预计市场规模将超过488亿美元,行业前景无限广阔。


Show time : 2018 May 15 – 17

展会地点:瑞士 日内瓦

The exhibition site :  Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland

展馆位置 : 瑞士日内瓦国际展览中心

The panilion position : 

International exhibition center, Geneva, Switzerland.


Booth Number : L102

展品涵盖:植物提取物、动物提取物、海藻相关制品、磷虾油、omg-3鱼油、虾青素、氨基酸制品、维生素、抗氧化剂、有益菌类、矿物质及功能食品、功能饮品 营养保健品成品等。


Exhibits include: plant extracts, animal extracts, seaweed, krill oil and related products omg – 3 fish oil, astaxanthin, amino acid products, vitamins and antioxidants, beneficial bacteria, minerals and functional food, functional beverage nutrition health food products, etc.

Braveiy push products: vitamin and plant extracts, slides, slides, and release tablets.